199 Ways to Grow an HVAC Company

1 Work to make you #1 in all the areas most imporant to ranking well on Google 10 3No 1Very high 1Digital Marketing 1YES 2No 2No This is what you are paying us for!
2 BOOK NOW BUTTON on your website, Google profile and SM profiles. Books appts 24 hours a day! 10 2Maybe 2High 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 2No We can help with this!
3 Expand your virtual footprint with additional 'locations' 10 3No 2High 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 2No When you are ready we can help with this!
4 SEO / competition research / long tail content 3$$ 3No 2High 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 2No This is what you are paying us for!
5 Post reguarly on social media (wth a compelling offer) 2$ 2Maybe 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 2No This is what you are paying us for!
6 Send a follow up survey via email after every appointment 2$ 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 1YES Take action on what feedback you get!
7 Competition research 10 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 2No 1YES This is what you are paying us for!
8 Have a terrible weather campaign ready to go - hail, tornadoes, etc. An offer and graphics for your webite, Google and social media profiles. 10 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 1YES

9 Rich, full ABOUT page on your website (super important) The About page is almost always the highest viewed page on all our clients websites 10 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 1YES This is what you are paying us for!
10 Share different seasonal and compelling offers in different local FB groups 10 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 2No When you are ready we can help with this!
11 Tell your story, company history, show the world (and Google) why they should call you 10 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 2No This is what you are paying us for!
12 Update your Google profile and Maps frequently 10 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 2No This is what you are paying us for!
13 Bad ass website (you love) 10 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 2No This is what you are paying us for!
14 Help with hiring (placing ads, screening the results, updating career page, etc) 10 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 2No 1YES When you are ready we can help with this!
15 Advertise a FREE SECOND OPINION on your website, social media and Google profile 10 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 2No 2No When you are ready we can help with this!
16 Target the best parts of town by profiling previous jobs 10 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 2No 1YES This is what you are paying us for!
17 Have professionally designed, high quality stickers that matches your brand on your equipment! 2$ 3No 3Medium 1Digital Marketing 1YES 2No 2No When you are ready we can help with this!
18 Local directories (not the big paid ones) yellowbook, citysearch, etc. 10 3No 4Low 1Digital Marketing 1YES 1YES 2No This is what you are paying us for!
19 Respond to every review (on every platform) in a personable way 10 3No 4Low 1Digital Marketing 1YES 2No 2No This is what you are paying us for!
20 Call your database of customers and tell them about an amazing (limited time) offer 10 1YES 1Very high 2Sales 1YES 1YES 1YES We can provide scripts and help you find people to help make the calls
21 Walk neighborhoods where you are currently working. Knock on every door that can see your vans in the driveway of their neighbor. 10 1YES 1Very high 2Sales 2NO 1YES 1YES

22 Call on systems you sold 10 years ago! 10 2Maybe 1Very high 2Sales 2NO 1YES 1YES Have a VERY compelling offer to share to get you in the home.
23 Don’t believe all customers care about is price. Sure, some landlords and a smal percentage of customers truly want whatever is the cheapest. 98% of the time that is NOT what determines who they pick. 10 2Maybe 1Very High 2Sales 1YES 2No 1YES Humans buy based on emotion (who made them feel heard or important, who is trustworthy, what will make them look good or appeal to their pride for example) and then justify that decision using logic
24 ALWAYS give a price in person (only) 10 3No 1Very high 2Sales 2NO 2NO 1YES

25 Leave behind a GORGEOUS folder of why you are the BEST company in town on every sales call! 2$ 2Maybe 2High 2Sales 1YES 1YES 1YES

26 Connect with successful real estate agents! 10 2Maybe 2High 2Sales 2NO 1YES 1YES Offer them something so they leave YOUR card in every house they go in
27 Teach everybody that sells the value of LISTENING to customers. Identifying WHAT is important to them BEFORE trying to sell them on anything! 10 2Maybe 2High 2Sales 2NO 2NO 1YES People buy from people they like ad trust. Have listening exercises with your whole team
28 Don’t give a customer a price until you know what is important to them (its more than just price) noise? Efficiency? Size? Placement? Brand? Pride? Peace of mind? 10 2Maybe 2High 2Sales 2No 2No 1YES

29 Have a world class pitch deck to take with you and use on sales calls (build trust) 2$ 3No 2High 2Sales 1YES 1YES 1YES Make doing business with your team a no brainer. We can help with this!
30 Hire a dedicated, experienced sales rep! 5$$$$ 3No 2High 2Sales 1YES 1YES 1YES

31 Learn and teach sales fundamentals! 10 3No 2High 2Sales 1YES 1YES 1YES

32 Visit Landlord groups in your city (they exist) 10 3No 2High 2Sales 1YES 1YES 1YES Offer them a carrot to be their new company
33 Offer SUPER cheap service call prices when times are slow and the guys aren't busy 10 3No 2High 2Sales 2NO 1YES 1YES

34 Make the close rate % public (for whoever runs sales calls) 10 3No 2High 2Sales 2NO 2NO 1YES I guarantee this will be eye opening and impactful. Put ego and pride (and shit talking) to work for your business!
35 Offer financing on everything, every time. 10 3No 2High 2Sales 2NO 2NO 1YES

36 Incentivise all employees to be ambassadors for sales and service. 10 3No 2High 2Sales 2NO 2NO 1YES

37 Have great service guarantees 10 3No 2High 2Sales 1YES 2NO 1YES Makes it easier to close deals!
38 Ask everybody who calls your business HOW they found you 10 3No 2High 2Sales 2NO 2NO 2NO Extremely important and powerful. No exceptions and no excuses for not asking.
39 Involve the customer in the sales process. Do you want the pen or the tape measure? Involving them in the process of solving this problem together can be powerful. 10 2Maybe 3Medium 2Sales 2No 2No 1YES

40 Have a GREAT email sequence that every customer gets after you leave a sale call in the customers home. 10 2Maybe 3Medium 2Sales 1YES 2No 2No Thank you for taking the time to meet with me / A little about our company / what sets us apart from the other guys / what to expect if you do choose us
41 Offer senior and military discounts! 10 3No 4Low 2Sales 1YES 2NO 1YES

42 Offer a discount for new install customers leaving your sign in their front yard for 30 days 2$ 3No 4Low 2Sales 2No 1Yes 1YES

43 Frame your competition. 10 3No 4Low 2Sales 2No 2No 1YES We background check, drug test every tech we hire. That makes it sounds like the companies that don't say that, don’t.
44 Have that hard conversation(s) you know you need to have. 10 1Yes 1Very High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES I know it sucks. You will feel better when its done. Make it about the behaviour that needs to change, not the person.
45 Treat screwups as a GIFT 10 2Maybe 1Very high 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Mistakes happen. Treat them like an opportunity to shine!
46 Fire that one guy! 10 2Maybe 1Very high 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES MOST businesses have that one guy who is super experienced, smart and a total asshole.
47 Ask for help. If you know you should do a couple items on this list or you like the idea but are not sure where to start, give us a call! 10 2Maybe 1Very High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES We will connect you with an HVAC guy who has done whatever it is, find your resources and do our best to help figure it out!
48 Shoot 2-3 short videos a day and send them to us! 10 2Maybe 1Very High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES A big job you did recently, a super old system you came across, a new person you just hired.
49 Sytems and Processes for everything. Absolutely vital as you grow! This is how we do 'x' and this is how we do 'y' People don't go to McDonalds for the good food - they go because its consistent and they know what to expect. 10 2Maybe 1Very High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES We have a guy that can help you with this!
50 Is everybody working for you committed to the BIG VISION you are pushing? If not, they need to go. 10 2Mayb 1Very High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES We have a guy that can help you with this!
51 Express gratitude to your team (a LOT) 10 2Maybe 1Very High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

52 Own the problem. 10 2Maybe 1Very High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES The owner is always the choke point in a business. Taking responsibility gives you the power to make things better. Blaming things 'out there' gives those things control over your future.
53 Make a list of 10-12 high impact activities from this list that would absolutely drive your companies growth. Track how you spend your time for a whole week to identify things that can go to find the time you need. 10 2Maybe 1Very High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Every 30-60 minutes make a quick note tracking how you spent your time. Do this for an entire week. In looking back over the list at the end of the week what can be delegated, not done, or put off to allow you to spend more time on high impact items on this list?
54 Know your numbers, Know your numbers, Know your numbers! 10 2Maybe 1Very High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

55 Develop a process to work with homeowner insurance policies. HVAC riders are a common thing now. 1 0 3No 1Very high 3Owner 2NO 1YES 1YES

56 Get away and THINK 10 3No 1Very High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

57 Create a great scorecard and USE it to help run your business 10 3No 1Very High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES A great scorecard looks at forward facing metrics, for example numbers of customers called last week vs lagging metrics like number of installs done last week.
58 Probably the biggest opportunity for every HVAC owner is keeping in touch with and loving on customers AFTER THE SALE. 10 3No 1Very High 3Owner 1YES 1YES 1YES We have a ton of ideas in this area and would love to help!
59 Constantly be on the lookout for talent. As your business grows it will become more and more important for you to have stars players to delegate to. 10 3No 1Very High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

60 Ask Matthew to connect you with an HVAC owner in another part of the country. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely as hell, I know! 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES Who knows, it might help to kick around some ideas with somebody in the same boat. See how they handle things.
61 Call on apartment complexes and property management groups - they can be a great source of cash flow. 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 2NO 1YES 1YES

62 Offer all your employees an incentive if they refer an employee that you hire 3$$ 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES

63 Talk to other HVAC owners! 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES

64 Employee feedback sessions (safe to do so) 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES What do you see that would help us be more efficient? Profitable? Serve our customers better?
65 Ones on ones with employees 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES SO important. You want to know if they are unhappy BEFORE they leave (not after)
66 Crystal clear expectations 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES So important (and rare)
67 Train, train, train your guys on EXCEPTIONAL customer service! 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES We can help!
68 Have a couple friends or family members call your business and pretend to be a potential customer 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES Are they VERY pleased with the experience? Was the person helpful, friendly? Did they do a good job at trying to get a tech in the home ASAP?
69 Challenge your beliefs! 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES

70 Spotlight GOOD behavior! 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES When you publicly praise and reward behaviour you WANT - you will get more of it!
71 What does your SEO company need!? 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 2NO

72 Break out of the habit of saying "We tried that" before you say no to an idea. 10 2Maybe 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES Maybe that was a long time ago. Your team is different now. You didn't have us to help you!
73 Test news offers. Test new offers. Test new offers! 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 1YES 1YES We can help!
74 Get involved in the community / HOA / Chamber, etc. We are happy to compile a list of groups you can visit 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 1YES 1YES I am in a mens group with an HVAC owner here in Wichita and I know he has gotten HUNDREDS of leads from this one group alone
75 Offer FREE energy audits on social media when things are SLOW 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 1YES 1YES

76 Never hire for TECHS. Hire for managers. When you place ads for managers you get good techs that work other places and want to be a manager! 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES

77 Track how you spend your time for a whole week 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

78 Recognize a tech of the month! 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES Give them the afteroon off with lunch etc paid for
79 Have GREAT branding that all MATCHES Your vehicles, company shirts, stickers, website, social media, youtube header, everything 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES

80 Train your techs what to say to get a stream of 5 star Google reviews 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES The word 'because' is SO powerful. We can help with this.
81 Hire a coach familiar with helping HVAC owners get to the next level to work with 2$ 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES We can help with this!
82 Develop programs for working with home warranty companies. 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 1YES 1YES

83 Add services - IAQ, Plumbing, Fireplaces, Wine Coolers, Refrigeration, etc. 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 1YES 1YES

84 Celebrate wins every chance you get! Say THANK YOU a lot! 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES You are the leader - your team is looking to you for direction.
85 Visit a successful HVAC operator and see what little (maybe big) things you pick up or notice 2$ 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES We can help with this!
86 Hire a partial CFO 2$ 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES There are a million of these online
87 Increase these 3 metrics by 10% (today) 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES 10% increase in x and 10% and 10% equals 90% more profit
88 Provide your employees opportunities to grow / learn 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Do you have an office person who wants to learn excel or a a tech that wants to get their CDL.
89 Rebates? Ask Dave about 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

90 Once a week write a different employee a hand written (short) note thanking them for all they do! 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

91 Have events that involve their families (picnic, baseball game, movie night) 2$ 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES This can pay off BIG TIME
92 Book appointments for your competiton to come 'sell' your wife or friend so you know what they say and you know how to sell against them 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

93 Buy out an older operator that might want out of the business 4$$$ 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Might be a way to pick up a tech or two
94 Quarterly reviews with ALL employees 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

95 Set GIANT goals! 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Small goals have no magic to stir the blood. Set giant goals and even if you miss them you land among the stars
96 Be the kind of place HIGH QUALITY techs want to work (and stay) 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Clean facility, positive, encouraging.
97 Ask powerful questions 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Being aware of and intentional about what questions you ask yourself can be tremendously powerful.
98 Recognize the owner is always the choke point. 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

99 Make connections with roofing companies. They see a lot of damaged roof top units. 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

100 Use downtime to train, train, train!  10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

101 Develop unparalleled customer service from top to bottom. 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

102 Learn what matters most to your best employees 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Some people don’t like attention and some people will walk through traffic for public praise. Learn what fills them up.
103 Train, train, train on best practices (sales, upselling, upset customers, asking questions) 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Roleplaying feels silly but its SUPER powerful
104 Connect with your local tech college, high school shop teachers. 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Offer to come speak or help with resources they need. We have HVAC owners that have had HUGE success with this strategy.
105 Communicate a BIG vision 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES

106 Offer your BEST employees the opportunity to be an owner in the company 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Can be a powerful strategic move.
107 Talk about reviews CONSTANTLY. Every morning, evening, mon-fri. Office, techs, everybody. Say "Did you ask them to leave a Google review?" 10x times every day 🙂 (same with maintenance agreements) 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 2NO 1YES Having 2-3 THOUSAND reviews is super compelling and builds a LOT of trust!
108 Put the time into building a great culture! It's impossible to overstate the importance of a positive work environment 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES We can help with this!
109 Forge meaningful community partnerships! 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES Plumbers, builders, Chamber of commerce
110 Have a SERIOUS commitment (at every level) to getting to 2k maint agreements! 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 1YES Everybody should see and hear and be trained on this every WEEK!
111 Hire a (cheap) PT helper to take photos and and collect relevant useful info for us to create content and sm posts around! 3$$ 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 2NO

112 Gorgeous branding - your logo, company vehicles, shirts, jackets, hats, website, etc. 4$$$ 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 2NO

113 Schedule a monthly Zoom call with Matthew to share whats going on in the business, in your market, changes with equipment, etc. 10 3No 2High 3Owner 1YES 2NO 2NO This can be a gold mine for your website and social media!
114 Offer free or very cheap inspections for realtors. (only partner with successful realtors, they all want something for nothing so make sure there is possibility of ROI) 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2NO 1YES 1YES

115 Who answers the phone is TRAIINED to do so. They are genuinely KIND person who loves to help people and follows a proven script. They are literally the voice of your business. 10 3No 2High 3Owner 2No 2No 1YES

116 Always have a SEASONAL promotion so your team has something new and unique to talk about 10 2Maybe 3Medium 3Owner 2NO 1YES 1YES

117 Follow a proven format for morning meetings 10 2Maybe 3Medium 3Owner 1YES 2No 1YES

118 Ask your team what they see? Reguarly 10 2Maybe 3Medium 3Owner 1YES 2No 1YES

119 Make the most of technology. Tablets, price systems in the home, makes upselling easier. 3$$ 2Maybe 3Medium 3Owner 2No 2No 1YES

120 Give all your employees branded swag! Sweatshirts, hats, glasses, notebooks, etc. 2$ 2No 3Medium 3Owner 1YES 2No 2NO Let them be walking billboards for your business!
121 Follow the economy - we are moving into a "fix it or remodel it" market. Find remodeling contractors to partner with.  10 3No 3Medium 3Owner 2NO 1YES 1YES

122 Join and get involved in your local Chamber of Commerce. 10 3No 3Medium 3Owner 2NO 1YES 1YES They have CEO Roundtables and opportunities to get up and speak if you sponsor a breakfast for example.
123 Help us build a timeline of how your company has grown over the years and a great About page. 10 3No 3Medium 3Owner 1YES 2No 1YES People want to see they are doing business with real people who take pride in what they do.
124 Offer a workshop teaching homeowners the basics of taking care of their HVAC system 10 3No 3Medium 3Owner 1YES 2No 1YES KC city
125 Coordinate a volunteer day (when things are slow) where your whole company helps with a local race for example 10 3No 3Medium 3Owner 2NO 2No 1YES Show some team spirit, see each other outside the office, have fun.
126 Join Service Roundtable and be open to learning from other successful HVAC owners 4$$$ 3No 3Medium 3Owner 2NO 2No 1YES

127 Join a board (local charities, HVAC industry) 10 3No 3Medium 3Owner 2NO 2No 1YES The recognition and connections from this can be invaluable.
128 Listen to HVAC related podcasts! 10 3No 3Medium 3Owner 2NO 2No 1YES

129 Run a contest for the tech that sends you the most pictures in a week (extra credit for videos) complete jobs, work they are proud of, crazy filthy filters, units installed on a roof by the homeowner. 10 3No 3Medium 3Owner 1YES 2No 1YES We will turn everything they send into content for your website, Google profile and social media.
130 System Giveaway / HUGE feel good for very little content 2$ 3No 3Medium 3Owner 1YES 2No 1YES You can run this for YEARS!
131 Have a process in place so that when somebody applies for a job they get a text and email thanking them for applying and letting them know what to expect right away! 10 3No 3Medium 3Owner 1YES 2No 1YES

132 Training software the John used and had success (and fun) with. 2$ 3No 3Medium 3Owner 2No 2No 1YES

133 Sales software that John was having success with 2$ 3No 3Medium 3Owner 2No 2No 1YES

134 Have your key people take the Enneagram and become a student of it 10 3No 3Medium 3Owner 1YES 2No 2NO This is a personality assessment tool that can be extremely useful in building a great team
135 Push the techs to get more Google reviews! 10 3No 4Low 3Owner 1YES 2No 1YES We can help!
136 Consider donating services to a very well known non-profit. This can get you a LOT of exposure. 2$ 3No 4Low 3Owner 1YES 2No 1YES We can help!
137 Socks, bikes, backpacks. Champion causes and be a drop off point! 10 3No 4Low 3Owner 1YES 2No 1YES This can create a TON of goodwill and attract a TON of backlinks to your site which SUPER helps your rankings
138 Have FRIENDLY, personalized to you on hold music on your phones for customers to hear! 2$ 3No 4Low 3Owner 1YES 1YES 1YES

139 Read industry publications. What is brewing in the industry you need to be aware of? 10 3No 4Low 3Owner 2NO 2NO 2NO

140 Let local groups on Meetup hold events at your office or shop (local inventors, scout committee meeting, etc) 10 3No 4Low 3Owner 1YES 2NO 2NO Good things ALWAYS happen when you give back!
141 If you offer plumbing or other services in addition to HVAC have your techs offer to do a free assesment on those items while they are in the home. 10 2Maybe 1Very high 4Team 1YES 1YES 1YES We have one client that has his techs fill out a checklist and leaves a carbon copy with the customer of any plumbing issues they identify and turns the other copy into the office for them to follow up on.
142 Record whoever is making sales calls. 10 2Maybe 1Very high 4Team 1YES 2NO 1YES This can be super eye opening and teach you a lot. What stories work, best way to explain certain products or the benefits.
143 Learn sales fundamentals. If you feel like sales is icky or something used car guys do this IS costing you money. Ethical sales is just a transfer of feeling (after rapport is etablished) 2$ 3No 1Very high 4Team 1YES 1YES 1YES Price anchoring, listening, overcoming objections, mindset
144 Take photos! Take photos! Photos are tremendously helpful in telling your story! 10 3No 1Very high 4Team 1YES 2NO 2NO Ancient equipment you take out, big jobs, unusual jobs
145 Call and THANK customers from yesterday 10 2Maybe 2High 4Team 2NO 2NO 1YES Word of mouth is incredibly powerful
146 Clean shop and vehicles 10 3No 2High 4Team 2NO 2NO 1YES

147 Few things are more impressive to your customers than a tech in a tucked in, white uniform shirt with an American flag on their shoulder 2$ 3No 2High 4Team 2NO 2NO 1YES We work with a client that provides clean pressed shirts every morning for all their techs. At the end of the day they guys leave the shirts at the office.
148 Tell us about recent jobs!! Include the link 10 3No 2High 4Team 1YES 2NO 2NO We will turn this into relevant content that WILL get you more calls from that part of town!
149 Tell us whats going on in the business! This helps SO MUCH! 10 3No 2High 4Team 1YES 2NO 2NO Birthdays, anniversaries, milestone, unusual jobs or equipment your guys came across.
150 Collect emails from every customer when they book an appointment. Schedule filter reminders, etc to go out on an automated basis 10 3No 2High 4Team 1YES 1YES 1YES Tell them you send a couple reminders a year when you have a big sale or something special to share
151 Make sure your guys are presentable. Clean shaven, hair trimmed up. Appearance matters. 10 3No 2High 4Team 2NO 2NO 1YES

152 Collect your customers cell phone when you book appointments. 10 3No 2High 4Team 2NO 2NO 1YES There is no better way to keep in touch, remind, follow up.
153 Customer referral program 2$ 3No 3Medium 4Team 1YES 1YES 1YES Drawing or cold hard cash
154 Train on and drive your guys on following a ____ point checklist to make sure every call is handled to your standards 10 3No 3Medium 4Team 1YES 2NO 1YES

155 Your guys call on the way to the customers home and lets them know he is on the way and offers to get them something to drink from the gas station if they would like. 10 3No 3Medium 4Team 2No 2NO 1YES This sounds crazy but Thomas with Tiger Heating & Air had his team do this for years and they sold recently for 12x earnings.
156 Call tomorrows appointments today to remind them who is coming and when and thank them for trusting your company to help them! 10 3No 3Medium 4Team 2No 2No 1YES

157 Attend local farmers markets and trade shows. Pass out coupons, let people see your name and logo 10 3No 4Low 4Team 2NO 1YES 1YES

158 Have your guys send a picture of all their complete, finished installs. 10 3No 4Low 4Team 2NO 2NO 1YES This is a gold mine for your marketing team (us) and lets you see the sticker is on and everything looks great.
159 Have your guys wear foot covers! 10 3No 4Low 4Team 2NO 2NO 2NO Customer experience matters (a lot)
160 Make sure all your new installs have gorgeous, custom stickers on it! 10 3No 4Low 4Team 1YES 1YES 2NO

161 Record incoming calls for missed opportunities 3 $$ 1YES 1Very High 5Another Company 1YES 2No 1YES We can help!
162 Answering service to catch after hour calls and when they are away from the phones 3$$ 2Maybe 1Very high 5Another Company 1YES 2No 2No We can help!
163 Paid ads (Google, Google local and SM) 5 $$$$ 1YES 2High 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No This is what you are paying us for!
164 Vehicle Wraps! 4$$$ 3No 2High 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No We can help!
165 Flyers 4$$$ 2Maybe 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No We can help!
166 Print ads in local papers can be very effectice 2$ 2Maybe 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No We can help!
167 Yard signs 2$ 2Maybe 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No Offer your new install customers a discount if they agree to leave a yard sign in their front yard for 30 days.
168 Facebook ads! 10 2Maybe 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No

169 Yard signs 3$$ 3No 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No We can help!
170 Advertise in HOA newsletters. 2$ 3No 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No We can help!
171 Postcards 4$$$ 3No 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No We can help!
172 Retargeting (showing ads to people that came to your website already) 2$ 3No 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No When you are ready we can help with this!
173 Billboards can be powerful if they are combined with a powerful offer (otherwise they are a waste of time) 10 3No 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No

174 Filter reminder service / Free filters for life 2$ 3No 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 2No 2No Get you in the home!
175 Join all the inexpensive industry assocations that link back to your website. This can be a cheap way to get VERY valuable backlinks which SUPER help your rankings with Google. 2$ 3No 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 2No 2No When you are ready we can help with this!
176 Spend a small amount of money on paid ads for your business name 2 $ 3No 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 2No 2No You don't want customers looking for you and having a competitor show up in the top spot because they are bidding on your business name.
177 Are their features of your dispatch software that you are paying for and not using? 10 3No 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 2No 1YES We can help with this!
178 Survey your customers 10 3No 3Medium 5Another Company 1YES 2No 1YES We can help with this!
179 Angies List / Home Advisor, etc. 4 $$$ 3No 4Low 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No Fighting for the bottom on prices
180 Advertise in high school sports programs or the edge of the field 2$ 3No 4Low 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No Great exposure for a very low cost
181 Get active on Next Door 2$ 3No 4Low 5Another Company 1YES 1YES 2No

    Have an idea to add to this list? Submit it here: