How We DOUBLE the Calls for HVAC Companies
(We are going to make one of these companies a LOT of money)
My name is Matthew Rupp, and I own HVAC Marketing Success. Our team specializes in helping HVAC owners make more money, have less stress and more time to do what they love.
I already know you get BOMBARDED when it comes to marketing, so I decided to do something different. This report will show a easy, cheap way to get a LOT more phone calls The shirt is just a gift to help get your attention (but you knew that already).
You will see how big this opportunity is for yourself. It just takes a couple of minutes.
I’m going to clearly – and simply – explain a fundamental part of getting any company to rank high on Google for what people in your market are searching for!
It’s something called the Long Tail of Search.
If you were to search on Google for ‘long tail of search’
You would see there are FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SEVEN MILLION pages on the web devoted to this subject!
Then if you click on ‘images’
You will see thousands of images that look similar to this one
I have spoken to hundreds of business owners over the years, and they always want to rank on Google for what they 'do' for a living.
A chiropractor wants to be #1 for 'chiropractor'
The fence guys want to be #1 for ‘fencing’
That makes sense.
But think about that for a second.
Where do most of your searches start?
With a question.
Usually meant to help you save money find a piece of information, solve a problem, help figure something out, find a shortcut, or save money.
Most searches don't start with, "Who can I PAY to fix this problem?"
Who do you imagine is searching for these on Google?
- Furnace fan won't turn on
- AC not blowing cold air
- Heater is blowing cold air
- Furnace turns on but no heat
- Furnace not kicking on
- Best furnace brands
- Air conditioner fan not working
- Furnace blower won't turn off
- Thermostat clicks but not heat
- Furnace fan not working
- How to tell if flame sensor is bad
- Central air not blowing
- Furnace keeps turning off
- Thermostat display not working
This is the easy way of being #1 on Google because there is often no competition!
These are buyers trying to solve their problems or figure something out. This is when you want them to find your company!
I challenge you, from your computer, search for any of the popular search terms in the following 5-6 pages and see if you find your company or your competitors.
Of the 3.5 BILLION searches a day on Google over 500 MILLION are unique, meaning nobody has ever searched for that exact string of words before.
We want to catch your customers while they are still in this "research" mode. This is where the biggest opportunity and MOST of the searches take place!
There is one piece of this image you don’t want to miss.
Its this part right here
70% of all search on Google, regardless of your industry, are in the long tail.
Of course, we help our clients rank for high-volume search terms like ‘AC repair’, but what comes up when you Google ‘AC repair’ from your computer
- Google guaranteed ads
- More paid ads
- Yelp, Next Door, Angies List, BBB, Home Advisor
- A dozen HVAC companies that have spent a fortune to rank for that search term
Smart marketing is picking fights we can win, quickly and without wasting a ton of your money.
In 2021 we had seven HVAC clients. Every one of them had significant growth over the previous year. The AVERAGE increase was 221%, with Tiger Heating & Air in Corpus Christi doing the best with 621% more website traffic from a year earlier.
This was what Thomas with Tiger Heating and Air had to say when I shared the numbers with him:
"I can see it in our numbers. We are 128% over end-of-year gross with a couple of weeks to go. That translates to a $60,000 net dollar increase in profit."
Everything from web development, project management, copywriting, graphic design, and strategy… we have you covered.
We know HVAC owners get bombarded when it comes to marketing so we came up with the best guarantee possible.
We are going to put this strategy (and a lot more of them) to work for one HVAC company in the Madison area. You can decide if its you, or one of your competitors.
You can call (or text) Matthew at 316-312-8181.