Have you ever wondered which HVAC companies in Bentonville, come up the most in Google searches?
I can assure you that it has NOTHING to do with the number of employees, how much they’ve spent on advertising, the number of vehicles on the road, gross sales, or the number of completed new installs.
See, as someone in the HVAC industry in Bentonville, you know who the “old guard” is. You know who’s dad started which company and who used to work for who before they went on their own. You know who has the worst reputation and will hire anybody. You know who will stand behind their work and who is strictly in it for themselves.
Your customers don’t know all that, and neither does Google.
Two things are important for you to understand:
- You probably don’t realize exactly which words your potential customers are typing into Google. It’ll knock your socks off when you realize what an opportunity this is (this report will explain why and how to turn that into money).
- Some companies receive thousands of visitors a month to their website, but almost all those searches are related to their BRAND (business name, some variation of the business name, the owner's name, etc.).
If there’s someone out there who’s searching for your competitors by NAME, then they would never be calling you anyway. Those are not fights you want to put effort into winning. You want to win when somebody searches for “HVAC near me,” “emergency AC repair,” “heater repair,” etc.
After some research, we identified 798 of the highest volume search terms that receive thousands of searches right there in Bentonville every month.
These are just a handful of the search terms we used:
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.
These are the results.
If you were ever curious who Google recognizes are the “players” when it comes to HVAC in Bentonville, this is it.
Remember, this has nothing to do with revenue, number of employees, or how long they have been in business.
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.
Fahnestock, for example, is an HVAC shop in Wichita, KS that has been in business since 1942, has tens of millions in revenue, and over 80 employees. Their website receives over 2000 visits a month, but almost ALL of their traffic from Google is from some variation of their company name.
This is the result of DECADES of spending millions of dollars on traditional, old school advertising that doesn’t exist today. As you know, the world has changed.
When we look at the pie chart of the Wichita market for the same search terms as we did for Bentonville, Fahnestock is receiving roughly 6% of the website traffic (and phone calls).
Now, take that advantage that some of the seemingly smaller companies have today and fast forward 5 years to 10 years. Fahnestock’s legacy advantage will continue to fade as generation Y and Z move more and more into the buyer’s seat.
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.
In a way, that pie chart is what the future of the HVAC market looks like in Bentonville. If you would like to increase your share of the pie, this report will show you one way to do just that.
Often, when I give a presentation or visit with a business owner, they want to be #1 on Google for whatever they “do” for a living. A chiropractor wants to be #1 for “chiropractor, their city name.” The privacy fence guy wants to be #1 for “fencing” or “residential fencing.” You get the idea.
But think about that for a second. Where do most of your searches start? With a question. Typically, that question is meant to help you find a piece of information, to solve a problem, to help figure something out, to find a shortcut, to save money.
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.
It is within asking these questions that this powerful concept resides, and it’s the key to dominating Google. It’s called the “long tail of search.”
The words “hvac companies” in Bentonville, for example, has over 13,500 searches a month; it’s called a “HEAD” keyword. It has a massive search volume but has very little (or no) INTENT.
Think about all the different types of folks who search for “hvac company.” (The highest point on this image.)
It’s everything from:
- Distributors who want to sell you something
- Industry associations looking for members
- Companies doing research on your industry
- Membership folks at the Chamber of Commerce
- Non-profits making lists of companies to ask for donations
The list goes on for days.
Now, look at search terms that are in the “long tail.” They don’t get as many searches, but they have massive INTENT.
Who do you imagine is using these search terms?
- Furnace fan won’t turn on
- AC not blowing cold air
- Heater is blowing cold air
- Furnace turns on but no heat
- Furnace not kicking on
- Furnace blowing not running
- Heater not working
- Best furnace brands
- Air conditioner fan not working
- Furnace blower won’t turn off
- Furnace burners not lighting
- Thermostat clicks but not heat
- Furnace fan not working
- Gas furnace not igniting
- How to tell if flame sensor is bad
- Central air not blowing
- Furnace keeps turning off
- Thermostat display not working
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.
It’s much easier to rank for these types of search terms because there is often no competition. These are buyers trying to solve their problem or figure something out. You want to BE that solution for them. Be helpful, provide value, and build trust. That way, when it’s time to schedule somebody to come out, YOU are their first call.
It’s mind-blowing just how many keywords people use when searching for what they want on Google. There are 3.5 billion searches a day, and 15% of those keywords have NEVER been searched for before. That’s over 500 MILLION searches a day that have never ever been searched for on Google before. Every day.
Fighting is easy when you have no competition!
We want to catch your customers while they are still in this “research” mode.
This is where the OPPORTUNITY and the low hanging fruit is!
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.
Here is a personal example of the long tail of search in action.
Last summer, when my pool cover wouldn’t open, the first step in solving my problem was to Google “pool cover won’t open.” Of course it was. I didn’t know anything about pools. Maybe there is some secret to getting the cover open, like the red button on the bottom of the garbage disposal. No such luck. Before I was going to spend $100 on the pool guy, I was going to see what I could find. This search term is a GOLDEN opportunity for every pool company here in Wichita.
But what do I find? Not a single local company!
These are the “easy” fights because nobody else is fighting them!
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.
We put this strategy to work for several of our HVAC clients—with great success.
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.
My name is Matthew Rupp, and I have helped dozens of local businesses to increase their website traffic and improve their rankings on Google.
I spent twenty-five years running a service business and could have paid for a yacht with what I threw away on marketing.
For years I spent thousands of dollars on inserts, flyers, magnets, postcards, brochures, radio and newspaper ads, and of course—the tried and true Yellow Pages. I bet you remember the pitches from the Yellow Pages reps who act like if you didn’t commit to a full-page ad in four different sections of the phone book, you might as well shut your doors.
In 2011, I owned a party rental business. After hiring several companies to help with increasing my Google ranking—and becoming increasingly frustrated with the results—I set out to learn how to accomplish it for myself. I got my business to #1 on Google for 94 different keywords and on the first page of Google for a total of 189 popular search terms. You can check out my entire story (it’s pretty cool) www.matthewrupp.com/about
That led to helping a friend improve their ranking on Google, and then another. Ultimately, I ended up creating a business around my newfound skill.
Today, I run a digital marketing agency with an entire team of smart copywriters, Google specialists, and web developers. I turned my frustration into a new business. Since then, I have helped dozens of clients see similar results with their online presence.
I’ve published the Massive Guide to Ranking in the Age of Google, given talks to over 1,000 business owners, partnered with Wichita State University to give a series of presentations, the Center for Entrepreneurship and several Chamber of Commerce, plus created a wealth of content around how to dominate the first page of Google.
We are looking to add one HVAC company in the Bentonville area to our client list.
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.
What separates us from your
typical digital marketing agency?
- We specialize in working with family-owned HVAC companies that are doing at least 5 million in sales per year.
- We only work with a maximum of 15 clients at a time and never one of their competitors. To us, this isn’t a numbers game. We dive deep and take our clients' success personally.
- We only work with companies that are serious about being a leader in their market and take genuine pride in what they do.
- We guarantee results!
It’s a challenge to get your website showing up consistently on Google, but the good news is YOU ONLY HAVE TO BE BETTER THAN THE OTHER GUY!
Examples of Success for our Clients
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.
What our Clients Have to Say
Let's have a chat! You can call (or text) me on my mobile at 316-312-8181.